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Impacted Soil Removal

Mazza Recycling can dig, load, transport, and properly dispose of impacted or contaminated soil from customer sites.

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The removal of dirty dirt refers to the decontamination of impacted soil. This is the process of permanently destroying hydrocarbons and organic contaminants within the soil mixture. Using thermal treatment does not compromise the geotechnical characteristics of the material. This allows you to mix and/or blend with other recyclable materials.

Pricing and the final end market disposal facility is highly dependent on the contaminates in the soil. Please contact us to discuss sampling requirements and pricing.


Effective July 5th, 2022, the legislation specifically requires individuals and businesses that actively engage in soil and fill recycling services, to register with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

To get your soil analytically tested, you must call the State of New Jersey and ask to speak to someone regarding your soil getting tested.

Brush, chips, logs, stumps, clean wood, leaves, and pallets.

Approximately 5 months.